A Day in the Life of a Minimalist

Gaurav Mazumder
2 min readJul 8, 2020

Article by Fofae.co

Hey, my name is Matt D’Avella. Do you guys want to see what an actual day in the life of a minimalist is like? Well, I’ll show you mine.

I usually wake up between 6:00 or 6:30 A.M. Depending on how many times I hit the snooze button. Apart from what you may have heard about minimalists. I do have a toothbrush and I shower daily. True to the stereotype, I actually do wear the same thing pretty much every day. A charcoal t-shirt, and a black pair of jeans. I have a stack of the same t-shirt.

You know what they say about minimalist and pour-over coffee,” they’re really annoying and they don’t stop talking about it. I usually get in about an hour of work before Natalie starts stirring in bed, at which point I’ll take a little break. To talk with Natalie my wife and chat for a little bit before she gets ready for work. Then I get back to work. As an independent filmmaker. I spent about fifty per cent of my time right at this desk editing projects. When I first started out I worked with only clients so clients would pay me to make weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, eventually, I graduated to working with startups and tech companies but to this day, even now that I’m working only on original projects like my podcast, YouTube videos and much of my time is spent editing now I know not every filmmaker loves editing and that’s why there are people that exclusively just edit and there are people who exclusively use direct but I love something about tackling every part of the process and to me editing poses so many challenges…To tell a story through editing requires a certain kind of mindset and a certain kind of independence that I really enjoy. So I’ll usually put in about two to three hours of editing in the morning and at which point around eleven o’clock, I’ll get some food which actually that’s right now I like to keep my lunches pretty simple. I’ll typically make two or three times as much as I need and save the rest for the next couple days. One of the biggest benefits of working from home is access to my kitchen. I spend less money eating out and I eat much healthier than when I had an office space.

For complete article visit Fofae.co

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