6 Books of Money That Changed My Life
Article by Fofae.co
The article is written by Matt D’Avella. Today I want to talk about the six books that have had the greatest impact on my life. When I first started out as a freelancer I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to do it alone and I didn’t know many other people who were following a similar path to myself so books became very important I absorbed everything that I could. Anytime somebody that I respected recommended a book whether through a tweet or in the person I made sure to add it to a running list so today I want to talk about the six books that had the greatest impact on me and really changed the direction of my life.
1. The war of art by Steven Pressfield
The war of art by Steven Pressfield this book demonstrates and clearly articulates what it takes to bring something meaningful into the world there’s a secret that real writers know that one of the writers did and the secret is it’s not the writing part that’s hard. What’s hard is sitting down to write what keeps us from sitting down as resistance you have a battle every single day to get to work the resistance is gonna try to prevent you in any way possible from getting the work done. But that’s where greatness lies that’s where you’re able to truly deliver yourself to your craft when you actually sit down avoid procrastination and just get started.
2. The Dip by Seth Godin
The dip by Seth Godin, it’s really hard to choose just one of Seth Godin books that have had the biggest impact on my life because he’s written many and I’ve read almost all of they but I chose the dip because it was the first book I read it’s very digestible very short and it shows what most creators most entrepreneurs most creatives go through when they first start out a project strategic quitting the secret of successful organizations, reactive quitting and serial quitting are the banes of those that strive and fail to get what they want and most people do just that they quit. When it’s painful and stick when they can’t be bothered to quit at the beginning of a project it’s so exciting you have so much energy your work the logo the branding and all the fun stuff and then eventually you enter the dip you enter the place where things get a little bit more difficult and where most people quit the thing about this book though is it tells you that it’s okay to quit and there are some times when you should quit and there are times when you should stick and really the greatest entrepreneurs and the greatest creators are those that know the difference.
3. The Art of Possibility by Ben and Roz Zander
The art of possibility by Ben and Roz Zander. I remember this book having a very the transformative effect on my life and it reminded me of what was most important it reminded me to not take myself so damn seriously all the time. Mistakes can be like ice if we resist them, we may keep on slipping into a posture of defeat if we include mistakes in our definition of performance we are likely to glide through them and appreciate the beauty of the longer-run it shows you to treat other people with dignity and respect, it will ignite curiosity and an entire world of possibility once you read it and it might be one of the reasons why I’m trying to get the rock on my podcast. I told myself I wouldn’t freak out but the rock just tweeted at me anything in life is possible anything is within reach with the right attitude. So many people think that these ideas are not possible and are never gonna happen so most people don’t thrive. So that means that the few that actually do have a better shot.
4. The Game by Neil Strauss
Okay, so I have to talk about this book because if I didn’t I would be lying the first book that I ever read within the world of self-development was the Game by Neil Strauss. It is a book in which he penetrates a secret society of pickup artists to learn how to talk to women the probably tells you a little bit about where I was at in college when I read this book. I’ve never been a true believer in anything I’ve preferred to combine teaching and wisdom from various sources. find what applies to me discard what doesn’t so before this book. I was not into personal development at all I was not into self-help books. It wasn’t something that interested me I thought I had it all figured out and then it kind of opened my eyes up to realize that I didn’t know shit that I had so much to learn. How do you feel about the fact that the game is one of the books that inspired me most in life I feel betrayed, I feel anger, I feel foolish, shit. Yeah, I’m actually intrigued this is the book that led me to read every other book. So really it was one of the most important things for me.
To know the last two books, you can visit Fofae.co